Europlanet Discord

 Join the Europlanet Society Discord server to connect with other members of the Society and keep up to date with community news, events, job opportunities and much more! 
Download the Discord App to your computer and/or phone and join via the link below. You will receive a welcome message with tips and information on using Discord. The server is designed with a variety of channels to facilitate discussions and interactions, including text channels, discussion forums and voice channels.
You can select roles to tailor your experience and access specific channels that match your involvement in the Society, so you can join the conversation on EPEC, Regional Hubs, Outreach, or whichever Europlanet services interest you. You can also join our weekly Friday lunchtime get-togethers on the ‘Io’ voice channel for informal chat and topical discussions. 

Sign in as a Europlanet Society Member and join now!